
I came home from Zumba to quite a surprise this afternoon. Our neighbor and his son were waiting by our front door. When I got out of the car, they came up and informed me that a water main had broken a couple of houses down and there was water flooding into our backyard. Apparently he had called the city when they noticed water pouring out of our garage.

Dewey was quite confused as to why there was water on the inside and stood in the river outside the garage door, just staring at me rushing around trying to clear stuff off the floor. It’s funny how just a few inches of water make his legs look so short! I was shocked he was willing to ford the stream.


Fortunately, they were able to shut off the main, and the water stopped streaming down the hillside into our yard and garage about a half hour later. Given how dry it’s been, the ground quickly absorbed the water. And–more importantly–none of it appeared to seep into our basement! Dewey did manage to get in a few solid barks at the water crews when they came into our yard…of course.

In other news, Dewey’s ‘nodes seem to have decided to respond to the new drug and/or prednisone. They’ve gotten much smaller over the past week. I took him to his regular vet today to get a CBC performed, so we’ll see what kind of hit his leukocytes have taken… While we were waiting in the lobby, I started to smell something funny and he was getting antsy. Given his GI issues as of late, I ran out the door with him and he had a bit of an accident (well, it was intentional, and technically out of doors, but there is no calling it anything but an accident) right in front of the main door. I suppose it was better than last week at the oncologist, when it happened indoors–but at least that was more discrete! I dropped him off inside and tried to slip back out the door quietly to go clean it up. Yay for emergency water bottles and paper towels in the car! What a mess. After peeing on the rug (and his beloved blankey (!)) yesterday, I decided not to take any more chances and came home and immediately rolled up the rug in the living room…